Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So, here we are
That's pretty far
When you think of where we've been
No going back
I'm fading out
All that has faded me within
You're by my side
Now everything's fine
I can't believe

You found me
When no one else was lookin'
How did you know just where I would be?
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me


So let's talk highschool drama, eh?

My supposed best friend hates me now because I never told him that I went to see my ex-fiance before I left for the summer. He and I were tight, like to the point that we could have dated, but he didn't want to get that serious. Which I figured out pretty easily when he went to see some other chick that he met over the internet like wow I can take a hint sunshine... then he tries to feed me this load of bull that he wanted to date me... yeah fuck you, you lying peace of shit.

Other than that, I'm in a fan-freaking-tastic mood.

My flight home was canceled so I got home a day late... and a few months back (Like 2) I was in the ER because of breathing problems, which are now back... oh and I'm scared of marriage because I've been having the most vivid nightmares of my ex-boyfriend and it scares me.

Ha so there was my blog-dump of feelings for a bit. Sorry bout that.


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